I thought I would share with you my newest treasure. Frankie and I were out and about a few weekends ago hitting some yard sales and local flea marts and happened upon these two items. I must say that it was Love At First Site. They came home with me and will become part of my display when participating in shows.
I have no idea if they are real vintage or replicas, but either way they will work perfectly. Some have told me they are replicas, because of the curves on the handles. I have found the carriage on Ebay and it looks exactly like it and it says it is vintage, but then some say replica. This Saturday we went to McKinney, Texas to the Third Monday Flea Mart and there was a vendor with the exact carriage and she said hers was a 1920 doll carriage. So I am still not sure if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I can't wait to get them cleaned up and start using them.
Stay Charmed,
Oh, my yes! I can see why they are 'love at first sight'! I just turned a serious shade of pea green. These are going to be perfect for display. Thinking I'm going to have to move closer to you.
ReplyDeletesometimes something is so darn cute, who cares, vintage or whatever!! these are gorgeous and you are so lucky to hop in your car and go flea marketing! aloha, angi in hana
ReplyDeletewow what a find where real or fake you don't intend on selling them so just have fun with them. I love them.
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a great find! I love these.